I've had this old mirror for awhile now and I never knew what to do with it. I got it at a yard sale when I was around fourteen maybe for like a dollar or something like that. Anyway, it use to be this pink frame with roses on it and I wasn't into that. So I spray painted it plan black and it stayed that way for many years. Well today I was reorganizing my closet and turning it into a place where I can get ready do my makeup and my nails (things like that) I put the plan black mirror in there and it just didn't look right. So I took it upon myself it get creative and come up with a better look for it. This is what I came up with.

It only took about fifteen minutes to make (not counting waiting for the paint to dry). First I just painted the frame white, not worrying about the spray paint running or anything because I knew it would be covered somehow. Going into it I thought I was just going to glue some crystal beads to it, but I have all of this lace lying around and I wanted to do something with it. So I wrapped the frame in lace and when I ran out (which I knew was going to happen before I started so I was ready for it) I took some of the left over pom poms I had from the chandelier I made the other day and I tied them on. I used wire to keep everything in place and to make a handle. I took some of the lace and wove it in and out of the wire to give it a cleaner look and a much prettier one, if, I do say so myself! After all of that (which wasn't really anything at all) I was done and I had a new mirror!
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