I had all these pom poms left over from my birthday party. I was just going to hang them up in my room but this morning I was feeling crafty. So I took an old soda can, a basic light kit, some old hangers, wire, and some spray paint along with my pom poms and I made a new chandelier for over my bed.

The steps were pretty easy. I kinda had no idea what I was going to do when I started. I knew the things I had laying around and I knew I was enough to come up with something. So I just kinda started by cutting an old soda can open on both ends. I later spray painted it white after making sure to fold over the sharp edges. Then I got a some hangers and some wire I had and just started making some loops. I cut the pom poms and hung them on the loops. Then I simply cut some holes in the side of the can and ran the wire in it making sure that it was securely wrapped around the loops and everything was holing together.. Once all that was done I took some lace and wrapped it around the hangers to cover them all up and to give it a cleaner look. Then I just hung it up over my bed! And I think it looks wonderful!
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