Funny you should ask...IT's top secret but I'm willing to share! It means nothing. No really. I just happen to love Poppy flowers and I think that darlin' is the cutest term of endearment ever! Now the name may not mean anything near and dear to my heart but the reason I'm making this blog does.
I've always been told I am a creative person. I love sawing, painting, drawing, gluing, glittering, and pretty much anything crafty. However I've never made it a point to really put my mind to doing anything all that crafty. Sure every once and awhile I would get the sudden urge to use my hands to make something, but I never really went out of my way to focus on my craftyness. So this year I decided that I was going to be more hands on a creative, and with websites like Pinterest, Etsy, and my personal favorite Craftwker there seems to be endless means of inspiration just laying around waiting to be made into reality. So this year I'm giving it a go! I'm making things out of stuff I've been hoarding for years.
So to sum everything up. I have to much junk lying around when I could have some really awesome artwork, helpful tools, or just fun things to do!
I'm always looking for new ideas so please don't hesitate to give me some!
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