Saturday, June 9, 2012

It's been about a month or so since I completely destroyed my room in the Water pipe incident of 2012. But everything is back to normal now. After a very long makeover I know have a completely different room that I am in love with! This is what my room looked like before I completely destroyed it and had to start all over. And this is what it looks like now!

Monday, April 9, 2012

What happens when you give a craft-er a drill....

Let me just tell you about my biggest fail ever!

So I was getting ready to get a new bed when I deiced that I should get a bunk bed, so that Megan (my brothers "girlfriend") has somewhere to sleep when she comes over. I also wanted something that my parents could keep after I left to use for grandkids and other guest and such.

So that being said, we needed somewhere to put it. So I got the brilliant idea of hanging selves on the wall so I could get rid of the big cheap walmart selves I already had.

Well I had never put selves on the wall before and my father wanted them perfectly centered on the wall and for the brackets to be perfectly centered on the selves. This meant that we would have to be anchors in the wall to keep the selves up because we couldn't just put the selves in studs. This was our first mistake.

Our second mistake was letting me be the one to hang the selves, as I had never done it before and I clearly didn't know what I was doing...Oh you don't think I clearly didn't know what I was doing. Well let me just put your mind at ease.

This is a picture of the first two selves that went up. It took me about 8 hours and two days of fussing to get them up on the wall. If this isn't evidence enough left me just reassure you some more.

This is a picture of what happened when I tried to hang the third and final shelf. See what no one told me was that there could be a water main in the wall I was drilling holes in for Three days now. So when I hit a little snag with the drill I had no idea that "little snag" would be the hot water line. Well 100 of gallons of water and a very wet and destroyed room later. I was up to my knees in a new problem.

It took three days to clear out all the water and everything that got ruined. I was lucky that my uncle had just came home when I popped a hole in the line, he was able to go out and turn it off before the whole house was flooded.

After the longest week of my life we decided that the baseboards needed to come up because they looked too water damaged to stay.

This is where mistake number three comes into play.

This would be me after taking down half of the wall. I realized it was too far gone when I put the crowbar to the wall to take the baseboards off and it went right throw it. I also realized just how big a mess I made when it only took a few minutes to take it down because it pretty much just fell off the wall.

Now we are in the midst of redoing the whole room. I lost just about half of everything I own including the two book selves that had made it safely onto the wall. We're all in good spirits about it...for now anyway. We'll see just how long that last.

We've all learned a very valuable lesson here.
My dad learned that when I say I don't know how to do something and I need help, that he should really come help me.
My mother learned that I can throw away stuff and I'm not really a hoarder(well mostly not a hoarder).
My uncle learned he can run really fast in a flood.
And I learned that I have to get married one day so I have someone to use a drill for me!

The magic of spray paint!

I have hated this lamp since I got it. My brothers ex wife left it here when she left and I've had it on my desk since. I've always wanted to do something about it but never cared enough to take the four minutes to do anything about it. Well today I was giving my old nightstand a makeover and I thought it was the perfect time to give my lamp a little makeover as well. So while I was outside I just sprayed it with a coat of cream colored spray paint. It looks a million times better and now I don't hate it!

Nightstand to Morningstand!

I've had this end table for awhile. I found it while I was driving around looking for some good trash to pick. It was my pick of the day the morning. Now I liked the way it originally look, but since I've been redoing my bedroom it doesn't really fit in. So I decided that I would give it just a little makeover. The best part is, it was free!

First I had to sand it all down and get out most of the bumps and bruises. It didn't take long at all because we have a electric sander. After a few minutes of sanding I cleaned up all the dust. I had two cans of spray paint that I had left over from another project. I used a mint green on the outside but I wanted the do something a little different. So I painted the drawer a cream color.

After I was all done painting I let it dry and took a draw pull off of an old dresser we had. I spray painted the draw pull with some brass spray paint we had for our shelf project. While that dried I drilled some holes and then put the new pull on.

I think it turned out awesome and I love the new look! It only took about 20 minutes (Thank goodness for fast drying spray paint.), and like I said it was free! But if you wanted to do something like this the spray paint I used cost about 4 bucks each.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Oreo Truffles!

This is so easy! You only need three things and it take about 40 minutes to make. Oh and they are amazing!!! So much fun to make too.

All you need is a package of Double Stuffed Oreos.
4-8oz of Cream Cheese. (I used 6oz and they were awesome!)
and your favorite melting Chocolate.

First crush up the package of oreo's. You can use a food processor but I just did it the old fashion way. By wrapping them in wax paper and beating them to death with a rolling pin!
It's a great stress reliever.

You can set aside some of the crumbs to use to top off your truffles later on.

Once you've finished crushing all the oreo's put them in a mixing bowl along with your Cream cheese. (Make sure you cream cheese is room temp)

Once you've mixed your cream cheese and oreo crumbs together roll them into small balls. (about an inch big)once you've filled up the tray put them into the freezer for 15 minutes.

While the oreo balls are chilling start melting your chocolate. I used chocolate baking chips. The kind that go into cookies. It wasn't melting the way it usually does so I had to had some water and turn the heat up. If you add milk it will start to turn into fudge. Adding water and turning the heat up will thin it out but your chocolate won't harden all the way. This was okay in our house because some people don't have teeth. (You can also use butter to thin out your chocolate.

Once your oreo truffles have hardened you can dip them into the chocolate, being sure to cover the whole truffle. Once they have been covered put them back into the freezer for another 15 minutes and clean up your mess.

After 15 minutes (and you've finished cleaning) enjoy! They are pretty amazing and almost impossible to mess up.

This is the original recipe that I used and the website I got it from.

1 package Double Stuffed Oreos
4 oz. cream cheese, softened (you can use up to 8 oz., I just like this consistency better)
Dipping chocolate
Chop Oreos up finely in a food processor. Save some of the finely crushed Oreos for garnish later and set it aside. You don't need too much.

With hands (or a spoon, I just think hands are faster), mash softened cream cheese and crushed Oreos until well combined.

Roll into 1" balls and place on a wax covered cookie sheet. Put in freezer for 15 minutes.

While balls are in freezer, melt chocolate according to directions.

Pull the Oreo Truffles out of freezer, and dip into chocolate. Garnish with reserved Oreo crumbs before the chocolate sets up.

Let chocolate set, refrigerate and enjoy!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Jewelry holder

Before and after! This is my new jewelry holder.

I found this in someones front yard and thought I could use it for something. I was going to make a table out of it awhile ago, but the wood was too thin.

So I spray painted it a light blue I has used when I redid my cabinet with. I just gave it a light covering because I wanted to be able to see the original wood behind it.

After I was done with that I added a couple hooks in the middle and along the bottom to hang necklaces.

And now it's done! I happen to love it.